Andrew Logan Kisses the Glitterati (Jarman) .
The Angelic Conversation (Jarman)
Another Country (Kanievska)
The Art of Mirrors (Jarman) .
B2 Tape/Film (Jarman)
Ballet mécanique (Léger)
Blue (Jarman)
Broken English: Three Songs by Marianne Faithfull (Jarman) .
Canterbury Tales (Pasolini)
Caravaggio (Jarman)
Chant D’Amour (Genet)
Dead Poets Society (Weir)
The Devils (Russell)
The Dream Machine (Jarman, Kostiff, Evans, Maybury)
Duggie Fields (Jarman) .
Edward II (Jarman)
Every Woman for Herself and All for Art (Jarman)
Ferdinand the Bull (Anger)
Fire Island (Jarman)
Fireworks (Anger)
The Fountain (Jarman)
The Garden (Jarman)
Garden of Luxor (Jarman) .
Gerald’s Film (Jarman) .
Glitterbug (Jarman)
Il Mare (Griffi)
Imagining October (Jarman)
In the Shadow of the Sun (Jarman)
Jordan’s Dance (Jarman)
Jordan’s Wedding (Jarman)
Journey to Avebury (Jarman)
Jubilee (Jarman)
The Last of England (Jarman)
Maurice (Ivory)
Nighthawks (Peck)
Nijinsky’s Last Dance (Jarman)
The Pantheon (Jarman)
Philadelphia (Demme)
Picnic at Rae’s (Jarman)
Pirate Tape (Jarman)
Pontormo and Punks at Santa Croce (Jarman)
Prick up Your Ears (Frears)
Savage Messiah (Russell)
Scorpio Rising (Anger)
Sebastiane (Jarman)
Sebastiane Wrap (Jarman).
Sloane Square, A Room of One’s Own (Jarman) .
Studio Bankside (Jarman)
T.G.: Psychic Rally in Heaven (Jarman)
Tarot (Jarman)
Taxi zum Klo (Ripploh)
The Tempest (Jarman)
Terence Davies Trilogy (Davies)
There We Are John (McMullen)
Two of Us (Lindsay-Hogg)
Ulla’s Fete (Jarman)
Waiting for Waiting for Godot (Jarman)
War Requiem (Jarman)
Wittgenstein (Jarman)
The Wizard of Oz (Fleming)